00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Level Up Every Aspect of the Way You Approach your Business
Take Your Business From “Successful” to EPIC in 3 Days
With Dr. Isaac Jones
An Exclusive Retreat for Visionary Health Entrepreneurs 
December 9th-12th
Miraval Resort in Austin, Texas
Only 2/5 Guest Spot's Left!
EPIC Is More Than Revenue...
Epic is vision. 
Intelligent Systems. 
EPIC is an entire way of being in your business and life. 
For High-Revenue Health Entrepreneurs Ready to Scale
This experience is not for beginners. 

You must have a high revenue business in order to apply. 
This allows us to create a truly intimate and transformational experience for our tight-knit community of amazing attendees.

Join The Closed-Door Community Defining the Future of Health and Wellness

 Join us for an intimate entrepreneurial retreat with the most brilliant minds, marketers, doctors and that will transform your leadership and business so you can break through to a new level of scale... 
...without grinding harder, sacrificing your personal life, or throwing away money on the empty promises of digital agencies. 
An Exclusive, 3-Day Retreat for Ambitious Health Entrepreneurs
If you don’t have time to read this -- READ IT TWICE
  • Do you feel any amount of stress when you think about your business? 
  • ​Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to get away from your business?
  • ​Will your business continue to grow without you if you left for 2 or more months to travel the world? 
  • ​Are you experiencing a plateau in scaling your business and wondering how to breakthrough?
If so, this page might be the most important thing you read all day… 
This may be your wake up call. Stress and overwhelm are the very signals telling you that it’s time to make a change. Are you listening to them? The strategies, processes and systems that got your business to where you are now will NOT get your next level. So, what will you do about it? 
Join us for an intimate entrepreneurial retreat that will transform your leadership and business so you can breakthrough to a new level of scale... without grinding harder, sacrificing your personal life, or throwing away money on the empty promises of digital agencies. 

Our previous Epic Mastermind retreats have been invite-only, and were strictly reserved for members in our EPIC Mastermind. However, due to the demand and requests to join us, we’ve decided to open up 5 “guest spots” for this event. This simply means that you can attend this retreat without joining the ongoing mastermind. 
Where it's at:
December 9th-12th, 2021 at the MIRAVAL a 5-star wellness and spa resort in Austin, TX
Who it’s for: 
Health Entrepreneurs with high revenue businesses who want to scale to the next level and beyond with more clarity, freedom, grace and ease in the process. 
What you’ll get: 
Advanced strategies for scaling supplement sales and digital courses, creating a lifestyle-business at scale. You’ll also get to mastermind with like-minded entrepreneurs and doctors at a 5-star, all-inclusive resort.

Apply to join us at our upcoming Epic Mastermind retreat, December 9th-12th, 2021 at the breathtaking MIRAVAL 5-star resort in Austin, Texas.

Note: Our previous Epic Mastermind retreats have been invite-only, and were strictly reserved for members in our EPIC Mastermind. However, due to the demand and requests to join us, we’ve decided to open up 5 “guest spots” for this event. This means that you have an opportunity to attend our retreat without joining the ongoing mastermind. 

This Retreat is Designed to be Exactly What We Needed When We Scaled Our Health Companies 

  • Direct access to proven, successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders who have scaled from 0 to Inc 500 selling supplements and digital courses. We will help you avoid the multi-million dollar mistakes and crippling blind spots we see in so many smart, well-intentioned health entrepreneurs. 
  • Solutions to side-step chaos and stress while you scale your projects, team and revenue - there’s actually a way to scale your business with less stress and more fun, excitement and peace. 
  • ​An inspirational resort to relax, eat amazing food from a Michellin Star chef, have fun and be in your most creative state while you gain clarity on how to scale to the next level You will actually return home rejuvenated and inspired instead of overwhelmed by your to do list. 
  • ​Proven strategies to save you time so you can have more freedom to work in your strengths… this will also enable you to have more time with your loved ones, to travel or even partake in your favorite hobbies. 
  • ​A schedule with plenty of free time so you can actually enjoy the beach, the resort and the advanced business conversations.... You can also use this time to connect with us to get specific answers to your unique questions and situation for a customized experience. 
If you’re a health entrepreneur with consistent high revenue and want to grow to the next level, do NOT miss out on this rare opportunity. We only do these retreats twice per year, and spots fill up fast. Discover exactly what it takes to get to the next level of growth for your business. 

This is your exclusive invitation to join us at our upcoming Epic Mastermind retreat

December 9th-12th, 2021

At the MIRAVAL 5-star resort in Austin, Texas

Here’s what you’ll discover at this mastermind retreat 

Dr. Jones has been coaching health entrepreneurs to build multi-million dollar brands and lifestyle businesses for over 6 years, including some of the biggest and most well-known brands in the market today. He seamlessly combines high-growth strategy with deep mindset and a vision for creating meaningful impact in the world. 

Dr. Jones will curate an immersive experience that will transform your business while sidestepping unnecessary growing pains and catastrophic mistakes that stunt the growth of most entrepreneurs. If you’re facing a plateau in your business and are unsure of how to break into the next level, this event is for you.

Avoid Costly Mistakes as You Scale 

Between their combined experience at the front lines of health entrepreneurship, Mike and Dr. Isaac have seen just about every mistake and misstep health entrepreneurs make when scaling to 10X or even 100X their current revenue. These mistakes don’t only cost you money, but they cost you time and valuable opportunities that are holding you and your business back from your full potential. 

Shatter Through Your Plateau 

Everyone has a unique business, but the problems at each growth phase are similar from one business to the next. What we’ve found is that there are only a few types of problems in health businesses.The solutions from one business tend to work in another. If you’ve hit a plateau and are ready for a breakthrough, it may be time to update you strategy, bring awareness to a blind spot or evolve to you next level as a leader.. We’ve been there. We know what you’re facing. We can help. 

Create a Legacy Brand

Be seen and recognized as the authority in your industry. Build a platform that attracts new customers and growth opportunities like a magnet. Make an exponential impact that transforms lives and generations all around the world. 

 If you’re facing a plateau or considering expanding into any of these areas, then this event is for you: 

SEO - Tap into free traffic to expand your audience with simple, repeatable strategies and rock solid systems that automate your reach

Email marketing and list building - The single most profitable marketing channel you can build in the internet age

Summits - Optimize for monetization, creating strategic backend offers, exponential email list growth, landing big name guests, promoting your summit, etc.

Affiliate marketing - What you need to know about tech tools, platforms, and structuring an affiliate program, to acquire new customers

Supplements growth strategies- Funnels, retail/wholesale, private label vs. custom formulations, sourcing ingredients, manufacturing, inventory management, cashflow, etc. 

Amazon growth - Leverage the world’s largest ecommerce platform to fuel your growth

Podcast - Integrate the hottest long-form content channel into your marketing strategy

Social media - Stay ahead of the algorithms and reach massive untapped audiences to cultivate a raving fan base of followers

Ecommerce - Strategies to grow and optimize recurring monthly revenue streams, split testing, and the right agencies

Digital Program Launches - Rapid product creation, pricing validation, choosing the right launch strategy for your business

Book Deals - Use books to increase authority, gain media attention, and sell tens of thousands of books

Private Equity - When to take investment capital, structure for growth, employee incentivization and equity sharing, etc. 

About Your Host

A Health entrepreneur who have “been there and done it”...

Isaac Jones, CVO
Founder, Health Experts Alliance
Dr. Jones is a serial health entrepreneur and investor. In 2009 he pioneered virtual healthcare –– creating an entirely new business model for independent doctors and rapidly grew it into a lucrative lifestyle business with 100% virtual clients, zero full-time employees, and seeing clients only 2 days per week. By reducing his overhead and leveraging technology, he exponentially grew his revenue and created a health business empire. This gave him the cash flow and freedom to travel the world with his family, enjoy hobbies like basketball and volunteering, and invest in other health companies. He owns a health company in Asia valued at $15M and was one of the top investors into the fast growth natural supplement and digital product companies.

Imagine what life would be like if your company kept on growing… while you took off months each year? 

It’s absolutely possible. We’ve seen so many entrepreneurs “grind” and “hustle” and pile on the late nights in order to hit a certain level of revenue… but it was at the cost of relationships, integrity, their own health and even marriages. 
Business growth at the expense of health, life and relationships is the opposite of freedom!
Entrepreneurial freedom is having the option to entirely stop working in your business for 2+ months while your business continues to grow and flourish without you. Freedom is enjoying each moment and embracing all that life has for you. 
If you’re ready to experience freedom in your health business, then this retreat is for you. Fill out the application, and let’s talk. 

Read the incredible journey your host took to get here

Dr Isaac Jones from health experts alliance
Dr. Isaac Jones
Breaking Free From Brick & Mortar Chains, Forging an Online Health Empire, and Re-visioning the Future of Health Care
I was running one of the largest health centers in the nation. We were seeing thousands of patients a week. I was at the top of my field and making great money. 

According to everyone else, I was “successful.” But internally, I was stressed out, working 12-14 hour days and running on empty. But I kept going because I was “living the dream.”

That’s when I had my wake-up call.

Driving home from another grueling day, I fell asleep at the wheel. The car drifted towards the concrete median at 70 mph. 

I woke up a split second before a catastrophic crash. 

As my life flashed before my eyes, survival instincts took over. I swerved back into my lane and back into life. My heart raced. My palms were sweating. It shook me to my core. I reevaluated everything.

The long days in the office, high patient volume and constant stress had taken over my life. It was nothing like what I envisioned when I set out to become a doctor. I knew there must be a better way to transform people's health, without sacrificing mine.

That’s when I decided to leave the stress, bureaucracy and overhead of the brick-and-mortar practice, and forge my own path. That’s the day I became a health entrepreneur.

I pioneered an entirely new model of health business –– virtual practice. 

At first, I was afraid that clients would want a physical office experience, but what I found was the exact opposite. They actually preferred virtual, and were willing to pay more for the convenience. And my client results spoke for themselves. 

It was remarkable. I stopped chasing patients and dealing with insurance. Instead, I began to work only with my dream clients, on terms that allowed me to scale my business with grace and ease.

I reverse engineered my dream life, building a multi-million dollar business working just two days a week from my laptop. 

My quality of life grew with my business. I started having fun again, playing basketball, volunteering, and traveling the world with my wife and kids. 

Virtual practice gave me the freedom to build other residual income generating assets. I built a digital product and education empire that's now worth over $15M. I was one of the top investors into the fastest growth natural supplement company in America that's now worth over $500M. 

Word got out and doctors began asking me to help them do the same. The result is the EPIC Mastermind. It's is my way of paying it forward and helping my fellow health entrepreneurs build visionary businesses and sculpt their own dream lives.

This small group of inspired entrepreneurs has supported and produced some of the largest and fastest growing health brands with huge audiences and jaw-dropping revenue.

Now, I’m on a mission to transform healthcare globally by creating hyper-growth environments for integrity-based health entrepreneurs to re-vision the future of healthcare. 

Dr Isaac Jones from health experts alliance
Evan Tardy
From $0 to $320M Valuation in Supplements 
It was 2015, and we just got the news that our supplement company hit the Inc. 500 list for the first time. And I was the president. We gathered our small team together in the office to give some quick high fives, and then get back to work. 
My next meeting that day was with our newly hired CFO and he looked concerned. He told me we had over-invested in inventory, had some delivery delays and now we were rapidly running out of cash. We wouldn’t be able to make payroll soon. 
I couldn’t believe it. “How could we be running out of money when our sales were at an all-time high!?” But like every other problem we faced, we rolled up our sleeves and we started making immediate changes. The meeting lasted for hours. Which meant another late night at the office. Another dinner skipped with my wife. And another bedtime story that I would miss with my brand new baby daughter. 
I hadn’t taken a vacation in 5 years. In fact, I thought growth had to be stressful. I thought it had to be crazy in order for me to hit our goals and achieve my dreams. And I thought this was the only way. I was so wrong. 
We successfully navigated our cashflow problem, but my time had become consumed by the business. My grip on my own schedule had slipped entirely. I was a slave to my jammed full calendar and the demands of the business. The constant rush of fire-fighting jolted me out of one meeting and into the next all day, everyday. It was a whirlwind, and it was even fun at first. But soon it became a monster of my own creation. And I wanted out. 

I wanted freedom.
I was near burn out when my wake up call came. We added 20,000 new customers in a single week. It was a massive launch, but we didn’t prepare for things to go wrong. More than half of the customers had a question or a problem. Which meant me and my customer service team of 4 people, now had 10,000 customer service tickets to respond to. I realized that I couldn’t keep throwing more of my own time at every problem that came up. 

I had to elevate my thinking.
I found a mentor who taught me how to evolve as a leader. I gave my team less of my time, and instead I lead with clear priorities and agreements. As a result, I stopped working nights and weekends completely. I started to leave the office before 5:30 almost every night (instead of my previous 8PM or 9PM) and I took Friday afternoons off entirely. I saw the performance of my team dramatically improve. This freed me up to really leverage my time. I learned how to recruit and keep world-class team members. I hired team members from Facebook, Google, Smile Direct Club, Express and other nationally recognized brands. 
In the following years our company went on to grow past $100M in revenue, and eventually earned a valuation of $320M. This growth would never have been possible if I had kept using our old strategies, remained closed to my own blind spots and not evolved as a leader. 
It took me nearly hitting total burn out to wake up and make a change. 

But you don’t have to hit a breaking point to wake up. You can skip the pain, wasted time, and wasted money that I went through. And instead learn the most effective strategies that I’ve found to scale your business into the 8-figures, 9-figures and beyond... with more freedom, grace and ease. 

Protected By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

We firmly believe in the business-transforming value of what we offer at the EPIC mastermind retreat. Even one idea from the mastermind retreat could add millions of dollars to your bottom line over the lifetime of your business.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your experience, we will refund you the full amount. We will take on all of your risk, giving you nothing but upside. 

Limited Opportunity

Only  5  2 Guest Spots Available

To maintain the intimate, trusting environment of our mastermind community, we are limiting access to this rare opportunity to five guests. 

We approve applications on a first-come-first-served basis, so we encourage you to apply quickly before the spots are all taken.

Dr Isaac Jones from health experts alliance

Grand Velas Safety Promise


For the Staff Members 

  • Training and regular practice of safety and hygiene protocols.
  • ​Physical distancing of at least 6 ft. (2 meters). 
  • ​The body temperature of all staff members will be taken upon arrival and they will pass —before and after their shift— through a sanitization cabin with a steam system. 
  • ​Touchless hand sanitizer dispensers located at key points.
  • ​Sanitizing mats in high-touch areas. 
  • ​Hand washing at least every hour, for a minimum period of 20 seconds. 
  • ​Personal protection equipment.

For Our Guests

  • We will take the body temperature of each guest. 
  • ​We will ask our guests to use the sanitizing mat, wash their hands, and use hand sanitizer. 
  • ​Guests’ luggage will be sanitized as well. 
  • ​We will share with them all the security and hygiene protocols. 
  • ​All high-touch points will be sanitized after their check-in and check-out. 
  • ​Each guest will be provided with a personal protection kit available upon request (gloves, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and a face mask).
Dr Isaac Jones from health experts alliance
Evan Tardy
From $0 to $320M Valuation in Supplements 
It was 2015, and we just got the news that our supplement company hit the Inc. 500 list for the first time. And I was the president. We gathered our small team together in the office to give some quick high fives, and then get back to work. 
My next meeting that day was with our newly hired CFO and he looked concerned. He told me we had over-invested in inventory, had some delivery delays and now we were rapidly running out of cash. We wouldn’t be able to make payroll soon. 
I couldn’t believe it. “How could we be running out of money when our sales were at an all-time high!?” But like every other problem we faced, we rolled up our sleeves and we started making immediate changes. The meeting lasted for hours. Which meant another late night at the office. Another dinner skipped with my wife. And another bedtime story that I would miss with my brand new baby daughter. 
I hadn’t taken a vacation in 5 years. In fact, I thought growth had to be stressful. I thought it had to be crazy in order for me to hit our goals and achieve my dreams. And I thought this was the only way. I was so wrong. 
We successfully navigated our cashflow problem, but my time had become consumed by the business. My grip on my own schedule had slipped entirely. I was a slave to my jammed full calendar and the demands of the business. The constant rush of fire-fighting jolted me out of one meeting and into the next all day, everyday. It was a whirlwind, and it was even fun at first. But soon it became a monster of my own creation. And I wanted out. 

I wanted freedom.
I was near burn out when my wake up call came. We added 20,000 new customers in a single week. It was a massive launch, but we didn’t prepare for things to go wrong. More than half of the customers had a question or a problem. Which meant me and my customer service team of 4 people, now had 10,000 customer service tickets to respond to. I realized that I couldn’t keep throwing more of my own time at every problem that came up. 

I had to elevate my thinking.
I found a mentor who taught me how to evolve as a leader. I gave my team less of my time, and instead I lead with clear priorities and agreements. As a result, I stopped working nights and weekends completely. I started to leave the office before 5:30 almost every night (instead of my previous 8PM or 9PM) and I took Friday afternoons off entirely. I saw the performance of my team dramatically improve. This freed me up to really leverage my time. I learned how to recruit and keep world-class team members. I hired team members from Facebook, Google, Smile Direct Club, Express and other nationally recognized brands. 
In the following years our company went on to grow past $100M in revenue, and eventually earned a valuation of $320M. This growth would never have been possible if I had kept using our old strategies, remained closed to my own blind spots and not evolved as a leader. 
It took me nearly hitting total burn out to wake up and make a change. 

But you don’t have to hit a breaking point to wake up. You can skip the pain, wasted time, and wasted money that I went through. And instead learn the most effective strategies that I’ve found to scale your business into the 8-figures, 9-figures and beyond... with more freedom, grace and ease. 

Frequently Ask Questions
When is the event and where is it located? 
The Epic mastermind event is a 3-day retreat from December 9th-12th, 2021 at the breathtaking MIRAVAL 5 Star Resort in Austin, Texas.
Who is this event for? 
This event is designed for doctors, health experts and entrepreneurs who want to scale their health businesses to their next level and beyond. 
I want to sell my own supplements and digital products, is this event right for me?
Yes! Dr. Isaac has personally advised major supplement and info-product brands. In addition, Mike has been on the front lines of e-commerce at the highest level selling supplements and digital products. They will bring their deep insights from years of experience the health industry to mastermind directly with you and implement working strategies in your business.
I want to learn how to do better digital marketing (FB Ads, email marketing, SEO, virtual summits, social media, podcast, book launch, etc.) … is this event right for me? 
Yes! Our speakers have successfully leveraged each of these strategies with scale that reaches into multiple millions. Not every strategy is appropriate for every business or every stage of business growth, which is why direct mentorship and candid conversation are so powerful. Discovering the most effective one for your situation is a game changer for a health business that wants to scale quickly.
What are the event logistics (address, attire, airport, start time, agenda, etc.)
We’ll provide you with all of the necessary information after you complete your application. 
Why do you only have 5 VIP Guest Spots available? 
The community that we have inside the Epic Mastermind is one of the things we’re most proud of. This is an abundant minded, supportive and encouraging community of doctors and health experts who are committed to making a massive impact in the world. With that said, we’re extremely careful about who we allow into our community. So, we keep the total of guests limited to 5 max, in order to maintain the close-knit, intimate and supportive community that we’ve cultivated. 
Can I bring my business partner, spouse, or family? 
Yes, absolutely! If you bring a business partner to attend the mastermind sessions, we are happy to give them a discount on an extra seat if they qualify. Because this is an all-inclusive mastermind event, you will be responsible for any extra food costs or upgrades to your accommodation. 
apply now
The Deadline for Applications is in:
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make an impact in the world while growing your business. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. After all, it takes hard work to succeed in any type of business. Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources that you are willing to put into succeeding. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings—all numbers are illustrative only. In fact, the average person who purchases this and other programs never puts the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore achieves little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links above.