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Design, Build, and Scale a Virtual Practice Empire

Exclusive Event: August 27th-29th

How modern doctors create more freedom, income, and impact 

Attention Frustrated Health Care Professionals

Are you a medical doctor, chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, or healthcare professional who wants to:

  • Add additional income streams to your existing practice
  • ​Create a virtual component your existing brick and mortar practice and increase your bottom line
  • ​Leverage cutting edge health care methodology and industry growth trends in your business
  • ​Tap into a network of inspired health professionals on the forefront of the biggest shift in the history of healthcare
  • ​Discover how you can protect your practice and hedge against economic uncertainty

HEA Live is specifically for you. 

Here’s why….

Success in the New Healthcare Economy Has Different Rules
For the last 10 years, a new model of healthcare has been slowly emerging. 

Since the pandemic hit, it has exploded. It beat growth expectations by 300% last year alone.

I believe it’s just getting started. 

This lucrative model of healthcare transforms the lives of doctors in 3 ways: 


Exponential growth, low overhead, and near-limitless demand. 


Power back into the hands of doctors, cutting out the middlemen.


Transformational health outcomes faster and more reliably than ever before.
The Future of Healthcare —and the Financial Security of Doctorsis VIRTUAL
At HEA Live Virtual, we will walk you through every step of the process.

The strategies you will learn over 2 days were refined over 10+ years and tested with hundreds of practicing doctors earning top dollar, making a massive impact, and loving their life in the process.

You will discover the same systems implemented at the highest levels of success, from multi-6-figure lifestyle businesses to 9-figure empires.

This is your chance to take advantage of an unprecedented market opportunity and thrive in the new healthcare economy. 

This is your call to a new kind of practice. 

Success Stories From The Health Experts Alliance Community

Hear from leaders in the industry like Dr. Axe and Dr. Jockers on how being apart of the Health Experts Alliance Community has transformed their business, and thinking through our proven 11 step roadmap to launching and scaling a virtual practice.

Discover What’s Working In Virtual Practice NOW

As the world adapts to the new normal, marketing and business strategies are shifting rapidly. 

Get the insider information on what’s working in virtual practice in today’s world.

 Amplify Your 

Expand your impact to thousands or millions of people and make a meaningful impact on the world. 


Live YOUR Ideal Lifestyle

Live the “laptop lifestyle” and reclaim your time and energy. Re-engage with hobbies. Travel more. Be the parent you want to be. You will have the freedom to choose. 

Design a
“Recession-Proof” Scalable Income

Create financial security for you and your family with passive income you can scale… even in a recession.

Dr. Pete Sulack

Founder of Stress RX Calm

“Dr. Isaac has the systems and procedures to help us doctors get on the road to serving more people and making a greater impact on the nation at large.”

Dr. Pete Sulack

Founder of Stress RX Calm

“Dr. Isaac has the systems and procedures to help us doctors get on the road to serving more people and making a greater impact on the nation at large.”

Dr. Dan Stickler

Founder of  Aperion Center of Human Potential
"Going Virtual has personally quadrupled my business revenue in just the first year. You’ll learn exactly how to build your online brand and virtual practice and then scale it. Whether you are an MD, ND, DC, or other professional, Dr Isaac will take your business to the next level."
Practical Strategies You Can Implement In Just an Hour a Day.
After working with thousands of doctors, we know content is not enough. 

At HEA Live we will give you practical strategies and action steps you can implement today.

 Whether you’re just starting or want to take your existing business to the next level, you will walk away with a clear plan to protect your business and add new streams of residual income.

Dr. Greg Barnes

Founder of Maxliving Chiropractic

“One month after implementing what Dr. Jones taught me, I added an extra $30K in my practice.”
Go Beyond Marketing
A successful practice with multiple income streams is more than a brick & mortar practice. And it’s an “online business.” It takes more than lead generation and digital marketing. 

Sustainable success comes when you get transformational health outcomes for your clients and combine that with multi-stream business models. 
At HEA LIVE, you’ll discover and implement in 3 days, a proven business system that integrates:

Advanced testing protocols

New developments in testing give you powerful new insights into the root causes of health problems. We will show you exactly how to integrate these tools into your protocols and sales processes, boosting your revenue, client retention, and health outcomes.

Cutting edge health care methodologies

Virtual practice success depends on your ability to get transformational results for your patients. We will show you cutting edge health care methodologies to get faster, better results for patients –– even in a virtual environment.

Simple yet massively effective digital marketing strategies

By focusing on a few simple, effective strategies, we show you how to automated lead flow without becoming a digital marketer. 

Effortless and authentic sales processes

Our sales process is specifically designed for doctors and health professionals. You’ll discover how to sell with integrity, authenticity, and compassion while taking a powerful stand for the health of your clients.

Proven business structures of successful virtual practices

After working with thousands of virtual practices, we know what works and what doesn’t. You’ll hear from successful doctors using a variety of different models using the same underlying principles.

Multi-tiered pricing models to maximize profitability

Intelligent pricing is key to creating residual income with a virtual practice. By integrating our 4 strategic purchase points, you earn up to 500% more revenue per lead while creating a raving-fan customer base.

Ontological Success Principles

Growing a Virtual Practice will inevitably challenge you in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. We will show a powerful mental and philosophical operating system to overcome your obstacles.

Recession-Proof Positioning and Business Strategy

With looming economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to protect your practice from potential recessions. Our multi-stream model diversifies your business so you can thrive in any economy.

Dr. Leona Allan

Founder of  Greenway Health Center

I had a vision of creating a lifestyle where I can be a better doctor, get better results with my clients AND be a great mother for my children. Virtual lets me have the best of both worlds. 

Advanced testing protocols

Cutting edge health care methodologies

Simple yet massively effective digital marketing strategies

Effortless and authentic sales processes

Proven business structures of successful virtual practices

Multi-tiered pricing models to maximize profitability

Ontological Success Principles

Recession-Proof Positioning and Business Strategy

Solve Your Problems LIVE in 1:1 Hotseats with Dr. Isaac Jones

A recession-proof multi-stream practice isn’t just an online business model. It’s an integrated way of thinking about healthcare, marketing, and systems.

In live 1:1 hotseats, Dr. Isaac will solve your problems and transform businesses LIVE. 

By seeing this approach in action, you will see how to directly apply the conference content to the real world situations in your business.

Dr Peter Kan

“I was 'missing out’ on life because of how constraining my brick and mortar practice. Dr. Jones helped save me so much money and avoid dozens of costly failures along the way. I now have a 7 figure automated virtual practice and online brand. It’s created the freedom for me to travel the world with my family.” 
Virtual Networking Corners

We’ve intentionally designed the event for information retention, connection, and actionability. 

By strategically breaking up content sessions with break-out groups, discussion periods, and virtual networking opportunities, we help you process the information, ground the concepts in practical application while staying fresh and engaged.

What You Do NOW Will Determine Your Success in 2021 and Beyond!

“I've been in practice for 29 years and for the last 15 years i've been practicing virtual. Working with Isaac Jones has been a real treat because he opened my eyes to some of the missing pieces of the puzzles that I was trying to bring together in my virtual practice.”

Dr. Rodger Murphee

Founder of Your Fibro Doctor

Health Experts Alliance LIVE Virtual

Special Guest Speakers

Tom Blue

Healthcare entrepreneur and Director of Industry Strategy for the Institute for Functional Medicine and health care thought leader.

Todd Watts, DC, PScD

Founder of Total Body Wellness, Co-founder of Microbe Formulas

 Dr. Jay Davidson, MD

 7-figure virtual practice owner, Co-Founder of Microbe Formulas

Jon Allen

COO of Health Experts Alliance, marketing and operations expert

Karen Wojciecowski

Founder of Kanacura Digital Marketing Agency and Real Food Energy Health Coaching

Dr. Scott + Amy Noorda

Founder of the BrainLift and Power Couple Habits. Current FREEDOM Coaching Members

More to Be Announced...

HEA Live Event Schedule

HEA Live is organized into core themes, each with high-value content presentations, Q&A sessions, discussion groups, and guest speakers.

Core Themes:

The Future of High-End Healthcare

How to Transcend the Limitations of Traditional Brick and Mortar Practices

The Virtual Practice Demystified

The Building Blocks of a Freedom-Focused Practice

The Proven Roadmap to Generating Residual Income and Greater Impact

Create financial security for you and your family with passive income you can scale… even in a recession.

Essential Marketing for Streamlined Success

How to Not Fall Prey to Fleeting Marketing Fads 

The Key to Creating Lasting Transformations for You and Your Health Participants

Discover the 7 Figure Mindset!

Accelerate Through Action

The Next Steps You Need to Take Towards Your Dream Practice

August 27th, 2021

Friday Sessions:

  • Uncover Your Highest Growth Opportunity
  • ​Embrace Your Brighter Future
  • ​Foundations of a Thriving Virtual Practice
  • Distinguish Your Practice
  • ​How to Generate Pre-Client Revenue
  • ​Recurring Profit from World-Class Service

Event Launch
10:30 am EST


Top Experts in Virtual Healthcare

Hot Seats with Dr. Jones

August 28th, 2021

Saturday Sessions:

  • The Hidden Dangers of Traditional Healthcare Marketing
  • ​​Create a Frictionless Journey for Prospective Health Participants
  • ​​Embrace Your New Identity
  • ​Common Traps and How to Overcome Them
  • ​​The Community of Successful Virtual Practices

Day 2 Begins
10:30 am EST

Speed Networking

Top Experts in Marketing Industry

Hot Seats with Dr. Jones

Dr. Olivia Joseph

"Our goal was to leverage virtual in our brick and mortar practice. In March we broke our one-week revenue record (TWICE!) by leveraging virtual. We’re projecting residual income to be mid-high 6-figures in our first year alone!"

Dr. Tom Nixon

Founder of Twin City Health

"If you want to help more people and have a life and Dr. Isaac teaches the principles AND the action steps to create a successful virtual practice."

Learn From The Pioneer of the Virtual Practice Industry

Dr. Isaac Jones

Billionaire and founder of and, Jeff Arnold declared Dr. Isaac the “Doctor of the Future.” 

Following a brush with death in 2009, Dr. Isaac Jones left a prestigious but stressful position at a large clinic to pioneer the virtual practice industry. 

He quickly grew it to over a million dollars in revenue, working just 2 days a week and traveling the world with his family.

He has since mentored and coached some of the biggest names in online health, including Dr. Axe, Dr. Jockers, and Dr. Dan Stickler.

Dr. Isaac condensed everything he has learned from 10 years of successes and failures into a single comprehensive roadmap. Each step has been validated and refined from thousands of data points across the virtual practice industry. 

The end result goes beyond lead generation and marketing to create an entirely new model of healthcare that works for any practitioner who diligently applies the methodology. 

Built from a patient-first, service-based approach, he believes the Virtual Practice revolution will liberate the doctors of the future to make a bigger impact for clients, live more fulfilling lives, and transform the industry as we know it. 

The World’s Premier Virtual Practice Conference at Your Fingertips

Now you can get full access to the industry-defining Virtual Practice event from the comfort of your own home. 

No travel expenses or jet lag. No airport lines or stuffy hotels. 

We’re bringing the conference to you: a virtual community of inspired doctors, industry leaders behind top-performing health businesses and multi-million dollar practices, and visionary leadership of Dr. Isaac Jones.

Naveen Jain

Entrepreneur and Founder of Viome

“Dr. Jones is pioneering the future of healthcare.”

A Powerful Investment In Your Future

Your investment in HEA Live is a fraction of what you would spend every single month on overhead in a brick & mortar practice.

Add to that the scalability of virtual, and massive increase in impact, and this is one of the most affordable, high-return investments you can make in your business. 

Evolve and Expand Your Impact

Join the virtual practice revolution

Frequently Ask Questions
Who is this event for? 
This event is specifically for doctors and healthcare professionals who want to create a virtual business. If you are a trained expert in the health field and want to learn how to transition to fully virtual or add a virtual component to your brick & mortar practice, this event is for you. 
Can I get the recordings?
Yes, when you upgrade to VIP you will get full recordings of every session, hot seat, and Q&A.
Is this only content or is it participatory?
Both! You will get world-class content on every aspect of building a virtual practice and opportunities for exercises based on material speakers present. 

This dynamic approach lets you capture inspiration and ideas in the moment without being overwhelmed by information. You will also get opportunities to ask questions, workshop ideas with fellow participants, and grow your network with like minded doctors. 
I want to sell my own supplements and programs, is this for me? 
Being a doctor puts you in a unique position to serve your clients with high-quality supplements. We will show you how to integrate supplements into a recurring revenue model of Virtual Practice. 
Will you go deeper into digital marketing and lead generation?
Digital marketing is often seen as a magic pill for business problems. We focus on business structure and simple, actionable marketing strategies that leverage your existing expertise without adding additional tech headaches. Digital marketing strategies have their place in our system, but we do not emphasize them
What if I have to cancel?
We understand that life happens and sometimes unexpected events force us to change plans. Fortunately, HEA has events year-round! We will happily credit your ticket towards a different event or purchase if you have to cancel.
Do I need to attend every session? 
No, like a real event, there is nobody taking attendance. You are not required to attend every session. However, the content sessions at HEA live are designed to build upon on another. You may miss important information if you skip a session. 
Will I get to ask questions and interact with Dr. Isaac and the other speakers? 
Yes, absolutely. We will have special Q&A sessions throughout the event as well as live 1:1 hot-seats with Dr. Jones. We encourage all attendees to bring their best questions and co-create meaningful dialogue with Dr. Jones, the presenters, and each other.

What You Do NOW Will Determine Your Success in 2021 and Beyond

Next Event Starts in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
5 Steps to FREEDOM in Your Virtual Practice
  • Mindset
We have invested over $100K on personal leadership coaching in Ontological leadership or self leadership. The essence is "who do you need to be in order to create powerfully around you?" We integrate Ontological Leadership training into much of what we do as it makes building a profitable and sustainable business much more effortless and easy. 
  • Atrraction
We train on answering the question "how can you consistently attract your ideal clients?" We want you to be a magnet for your ideal dream clients that are waiting for you to get your message out, right now. 
  • Commitment
We train on answering the question "how can I get people to exchange money for their brighter futures?" You will understand your true value which is the key to confidently demand premium prices for your services. 
  • Experience
We train on answering the question "How can we give the best customer experiences that drive retention and referrals?" You will learn how to deliver a first class transformation to help improve the lives of the people you serve so that referrals become the driving revenue in your business.
  • Scale
We train on answering the question "How can I grow and scale my income, impact and freedom?" Imagine making a bigger impact and more income from anywhere in the world from a place of rest and relaxation.
©2020 Copyright Health Experts Alliance, LLC

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Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make an impact in the world while growing your business. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. After all, it takes hard work to succeed in any type of business. Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources that you are willing to put into succeeding. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings—all numbers are illustrative only. In fact, the average person who purchases this and other programs never puts the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore achieves little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links above.