Learn How to Accelerate Your

Scalable Practice Success

With Personalized Coaching Through Our Proven 11-Step Practice Scaling Roadmap.

Covid-19 Statement

HEA LIVE is still happening and here’s why:

Now, not later, is when we’re needed the most

Here’s what we firmly believe to be true right now:

  • The people being hit the worst are those with comprised immune systems.
  • ​Other, less news worthy, viruses affect substantially more people that this outbreak has.
  • ​The type of professionals who are in our program are some of the best minds in the health space. The exact type of people we need to hear from right now.
  • ​If you know yourself well enough and trust your hard earned health knowledge, you should absolutely come to this event and learn how to create the virtual practice you’ve always wanted to.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: There has NEVER been so much need for more virtual health professionals.

TOGETHER, we can all increase our impact on the world.
See you in Atlanta.

 Amplify Your 

Expand your impact to thousands or millions of people and make a meaningful impact on the world. 

Live YOUR Ideal Lifestyle

Reclaim your time and energy. Travel. Be the parent you want to be. Give yourself the freedom to choose. 

Design a
 Scalable Income

Create financial security for you and your family with "recession-proof" passive income you can scale in any economic climate.
The Accelerating
 Health Care Revolution
In January of 2020, I predicted this would be the decade of healthcare virtualization. 

Now the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming the face of healthcare faster than even I could have imagined.

It’s accelerated the Virtual Healthcare Revolution by at least 5 years. 

Around the nation, clinics are closing and doctors are being laid off.

Faced with high rent, staff costs and ZERO income… clinics are closing down for good.

At the same time, demand for virtual healthcare is skyrocketing. Just look at the stats: 

  • The Longevity Health Industry is Growing 21% Annually (1)
  • ​Kaiser Permanente did 110 million interactions via smartphone or video conferencing. (2)
  • ​70% of consumers prefer digital healthcare solutions (3)
  • ​Harvard Review Shows 97% Satisfaction Rate for Virtual Visits (4)
  • Longevity & Prevention will be a 27 trillion $ industry by 2026. (1)
1 Longevity Industry 1.0: Defining the Biggest and Most Complex Industry in Human History 2 McKinsey 2018 Consumer Health Report 3 McKinsey 2017 Consumer Health Report 4 Harvard Business Review 2016
At the same time, brick and mortar clinics are having a harder and harder time getting patients in the door. Hospitals already furloughed thousands of doctors. 

The writing is on the wall...

If you are a doctor who wants to position yourself for success in the next decade (and beyond), pay attention. 
This is BOTH the greatest financial crisis AND the greatest market opportunity in the history of healthcare. 
The future of Healthcare –– and the financial security of doctors –– is VIRTUAL. 
As a doctor, it’s easy to get stuck in “the system.” 

It’s easy to believe that “the way things are” is the only way they can be. 

I’m here to tell you there is another possibility. 


…working only 2 days a week and earning 2-10X the income you do now.

...taking an entire month of vacation… without any guilt, emergency calls, or even a laptop.

…never working a weekend EVER again.

...never enduring endless bureaucracy and penny pinching insurance companies. 

...practicing the way YOU want to practice, not the way administration demands. 

It’s ALL possible. I know because I not only built the world’s first 7-figure Virtual Practice…

I also taught my system to others who became the biggest names in online health. 

Here’s how it happened...

How I Built and Grew the Original Virtual Practice into a 7-Figure Lifestyle Business
Dr. Isaac Jones, Founder of Health Experts Alliance

I thought I was “living the dream.” 

There I was running one of the largest health clinics in the nation. We were seeing thousands of patients a week. 

I was at the top of my field and making great money. 

According to every other doctor, I was “successful”...but internally?

I was stressed out, working 12-14 hour days and running on empty. 

Even worse...

I knew in my heart we were NOT providing the level of care we promised.

It felt awful. But I kept going because I was “living the dream.”

That’s when I had my wake-up call.

Driving home from another grueling shift at the clinic, I fell asleep at the wheel. The car drifted towards the concrete median at 70 mph. 

I woke up a split second before a catastrophic crash. 

As my life flashed before my eyes, survival instincts took over. I swerved back into my lane, and back into life. 

My heart raced. My palms were sweating. It shook me to my core. 

What was I doing? How did I get here?

I had a dismal personal life. I hadn’t had a real vacation in years. I wanted a wife and family, but with this lifestyle how could I be a husband and a father? 

I was missing out on life. I knew there had to be another way. 

There had to be a way where I could serve patients to my highest ability, make a great living as a doctor, and live an inspired, joyful life. 

That’s when I decided to leave the stress, bureaucracy and overhead of the brick-and-mortar practice…

...and go ALL-IN with virtual.

There was just one problem…

Virtual Practices didn’t exist in 2009! I had no idea if it would work. There was nobody I could model from. There was no step-by-step playbook. There were no mentors.

The first 6-months I didn’t even make $10,000! I was frustrated and embarrassed. I made hundreds of mistakes and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process. 

But I knew it was possible, so I kept at it. I kept learning, growing, and experimenting. 

Eventually, by the end of the first year, I had earned $100k. 

And just two years later... I broke 7-figures in revenue… with almost NO overhead working just 2 days a week! 

Other doctors noticed what I was doing and asked me to help them build their own virtual practice…

That’s when I started coaching doctors. 

A Data-Driven Repeatable Process Refined over 10+ Years with 1000+ Doctors

Freedom Coaching isn’t just an “online program,” it is a precise step-by-step repeatable process.

For the last 10+ years I worked with hundreds of doctors behind the scenes to build thriving health businesses. Each doctor I coached gave me new data points. I repeated, iterated, refined, and experimented. 

The end result is a powerful system that takes you from zero to 6-figures and beyond… 

...as far as you want to go.

How far?
The “Invisible Reason” Most Doctors Fail at Building a Successful Practice
When most doctors look at a successful practice or online health business they see:
  • Fancy website
  • Blog Articles
  • Podcasts
  • ​Facebook ads and google ads
  • ​​​A polished media presence
It makes sense that when they go to build their own virtual practice, they try to replicate what they see. 

Because the truth is….

A successful virtual practice is like an iceberg. 

What you see on the surface is just a small piece. 

The real drivers of success are invisible and behind the scenes. It’s not a fancy website or a PR agency or facebook ads. 

Success comes with deep foundations and relentless focus on the right things at the right time. 
What They Don’t Know Will Kill Your Business: 
How Agencies Accidentally Bankrupt Doctors

Just like in medicine, the order of operations is critical to success.

The Virtual Practice Accelerator is a proven SOP to creating a thriving online practice. 

But most “agencies” think it’s like any other online business. 

So they sell doctors on flashy marketing campaigns, cheap leads, and fancy websites that never produce a return on the investment.

That might work for selling weight loss pills or cheap online courses about how to start a digital marketing agency…

...but this is different. 

You are a doctor. This is health care. You are creating a virtual practice. 

Marketing Agencies do NOT understand the legalities and liabilities of health care… leaving YOU with all the risk for their mistakes. 

They do not understand what it takes to create a successful virtual practice. 

Dr. Daniel Stickler

“I have spent probably $150,000 - 200,000 in marketing that failed. With Dr. Isaac I didn't have to go through the trial and error process. I had material that really works ready to go based on what he provides. And as a result I quadrupled my business revenue in just the first year.”

The Proven “11-step Business Roadmap” That Makes it Virtually Impossible for Your Practice to Fail

After analyzing hundreds of data sets from virtual practices around the world… 

I’ve identified 11 crucial steps to building a virtual practice from zero to to 7-figures. 

Each step builds on the one before. 

It includes 4 separate payment points that drive revenue and create automated streams of income. 

Anytime a practice skips or alters these steps, the business suffers. 

If you are lucky, a marketing agency will sell you the first 3 steps. 

3 out of 11!

If you were doing a surgery, what would your patient’s outcome be if you only did the first 3 steps? 

This may appear to put you in a bind. 

You still need marketing. You still need tech. You still need a website. And much more...

So how do you build a Virtual Practice without wasting your time and money on agencies selling marketing fluff? 

So how do you build a Virtual Practice without wasting your time and money on agencies selling marketing fluff? 

Your Elegant Solution:

Low Tech, Low Overhead, High Margins And Simplified Marketing

The beauty of the Virtual Practice Accelerator is its simplicity.

This is the real secret to why it gets such powerful and repeatable results for doctors who implement it. 

It leverages minimal technology to create massive results... 

...without complicated systems, overwhelming tech, or jaw-dropping marketing budgets. 

When you invest in the Virtual Practice Accelerator, I will show you the most necessary, useful, and reliable technology platforms my clients and I used to create success without the overwhelm. 

You will get in-depth training, templates, and guidance on exactly how to most effectively use and implement each platform to create virtual practice success.

This alone will save hundreds of hours and hair-pulling, stressed out nights of trying to figure it out on your own.
As a doctor, you are already a busy person. 

Throwing you thousands of “to-do’s” and skills to learn is not practical. 

The beauty of the Virtual Practice Accelerator is its simplicity.

This is the real secret to why it gets such powerful and repeatable results for doctors who implement it. 

It leverages minimal technology to create massive results... 

...without complicated systems, overwhelming tech, or jaw-dropping marketing budgets. 

When you invest in the Virtual Practice Accelerator, I will show you the most necessary, useful, and reliable technology platforms my clients and I used to create success without the overwhelm. 

You will get in-depth training, templates, and guidance on exactly how to most effectively use and implement each platform to create virtual practice success.

This alone will save hundreds of hours and hair-pulling, stressed out nights of trying to figure it out on your own.
Deliver Superior Care Without Middlemen
“I work with my hands… how can I deliver quality care virtually?”
I hear this all the time. Many doctors worry that they won’t be able to deliver a high standard of care in a virtual practice. 

I used to think the exact same thing.

  • NO soul-crushing, constricting bureaucracy…
  • NO rushed visits trying to squeeze in an entire patient visit into 10 minutes...
  • NO more insurance companies breathing down my neck, second guessing my medical expertise, penny pinching on protocols…
  • ​NO expensive overhead with rent and payroll…
I was FINALLY able to practice the way I had always dreamed of practicing. 

When I went virtual, the quality of care didn't just go up…

...it went to a whole new level.

And my patient's results proved it. 

Dr. Pete Sulack

Founder of Stress RX Calm

“Dr. Isaac has the systems and procedures to help us doctors get on the road to serving more people and making a greater impact on the nation at large.”

Dr. Rudy Mueller

Founder of Precision Health Family Functional Medicine
“You're basically getting the secret sauce recipe to succeed online.  I would recommend this to any type of practitioner that's interested in expanding their business or getting into the online space”

Dr. Alicia Newsome

Founder of dralicianewsome.com
“When I first came to HEA I did not have a practice at all...I went from having no list, no clients, no one to refer to me, to in my first year building my practice, and being able to very quickly get to $250,000 and seeing hundreds of clients in the first year.

Dr. Rodger Murphee

Founder of Your Fibro Doctor

“Ive been in practice for 29 years for the last 15 years ive been practicing virtual. Working with Isaac Jones has been a real treat because he opened the eyes to some of the missing pieces of the puzzles that I was trying to bring together in my virtual practice.”

Naveen Jain

Entrepreneur and Founder of Viome

“Dr. Jones is pioneering the future of healthcare”

When you can get life-changing results for clients, you... 

Create an automatic referral machine that virally grows your business without “marketing.” 

This is CRITICAL for you to understand! Getting huge results for clients is what drives a virtual practice business.

It is not cold traffic or marketing. It is exceptional service and transformational health.

When you invest in the Virtual Practice Accelerator I will give you my exact protocols, testing procedures, follow-up formulas, AND patient lifestyle recommendations.

You get the exact same system I used to create life-changing results for my clients. 

You get the step-by-step playbook I used to grow the world’s largest online health consultancy. 

Right out of the box. Ready to go. All the work done for you. 
What you get in
Freedom Coaching
11 Modules with in-depth training to take you from complete beginner to recurring income in a dream business.

 Module 1: Getting Started

 Module 2: Build Your Foundation

 Module 3: Your Core Services

 Module 4: Creating and Marketing Your Workshop

 Module 5: Automating Ethical Sales With High Performance Presentations

 Module 6: Virtual Consultations

 Module 7: The Virtual Report Of Findings

 Module 8: Creating Your Signature Program

 Module 9: The Residual Income Machine

 Module 10: Marketing Mastery

 Module 11: Scaling Your Practice

Plus, Our Members Receive...

1. Online Support Access to Dr. Isaac's Team of Virtual Practice Experts.

Obstacles and challenges are bound to come up in your journey to  practice success

We are committed to answering every single one of your questions and helping you create a thriving practice.

When you enroll in the Freedom Coaching you get access to 24/7 support by email, messaging, and chat.

This is not a generic “customer care” center.

You get direct access to Dr. Isaac and his team of experts so you can get immediate, reliable answers to your critical questions. 

2. Weekly Momentum Calls With Your Virtual Coaches

  • Live Q&A and coaching with your coaches to break through your obstacles and accelerate your progress
  • Keep you on top of the latest trends and developments in healthcare, client packages, and what’s working in marketing today.
  • The latest legal updates in the ever-shifting world of cash-based practice, tele-health and virtual medicine
  • ​Behind the scenes case studies of 7-figure practices –– learn exactly how they did it and how you can put it to work in your business.
  • ​Hot Seat business spotlighting to help identify the biggest blocks to your success and identifying creative solutions for your situation.

3. Expert Guidance on Hiring, Managing, and Working With Vendors

Outsourcing and collaboration are key to achieving time freedom and rapid growth in a practice.

But unless you do them the right way…

...they create more stress, waste hundreds of hours, and can end up costing you tens of thousands of dollars. 

  • Why “The Concierge” is the single most important hire you will make in your practice and how to make sure you find the right person for your business.
  • The Golden Rule to working with any vendor (ignoring this can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and months of wasted time)
  • The critical difference between being a CEO and being a doctor, and how to switch between them quickly.

4. Become Failure-Proof With Advanced Mindset Training 

After coaching hundreds of doctors to build thriving virtual practices, I’ve found the biggest obstacle for most doctors is their mindset. 

Building a practice is a very different experience and brings up internal challenges that can sabotage your success.

That’s why we’ve integrated cutting edge mindset training throughout the entire program.

We will systematically help you overcome your biggest, stickiest limiting beliefs keeping you from living a life of inspired service, prosperity, and freedom:

Dr. David Jockers

Founder of DrJockers.com

“The biggest thing I got from Dr. Isaac is a bigger mindset. Now I understand that mindset is really the fuel to help grow my mission and my ambitions and help me really truly believe that I can do big things. Because of that mindset, I have a multi-7 figure residual income online business.”

Designed to Work With Your Busy Schedule

You can get massive results in less than 4 hours per week 

Even if you only have a few hours per week, you can still build a thriving virtual practice. 

Over a decade ago, I built my practice with only 2 hours per week for the first several months. 

And that was without all the resources and guidance you get in this program. 

The Virtual Practice Accelerator is designed to generate momentum. 

By working on the right things at the right time, small, incremental progress builds on itself…

...snowballing into exponential income and life-changing freedom. 

Our Company Goal:
10X Your Investment In Less Than Year!

If you do the work, you will get results. 

Many clients earn back their entire investment in just a few weeks. 

Our goal for YOU is to 10X your investment in Freedom Coaching within the first year. 

We will do everything in our power to help get to $100k in the first 12 months. 

That’s why in addition to our world-class content, step-by-step processes, presentation templates, sales scripts, simplified marketing systems, and full online support, you also get...

Accountability and Coaching to Keep You On Track to $100k

Accountability and coaching are a core part of the Freedom Coaching Program Program. 

If you fall behind or stop making progress, our dedicated $100k Coaches will be right there with you to help you identify the problem, find creative solutions, and get back on track.

These coaches' entire purpose in this program is to help you 10x your investment and earn $100k in your first year. 

You are not alone in Freedom Coaching. 

Dr. Melissa Peterson

CEO and founder of Functional Medicine Agency and Inspired Health Institute

“There's this explosion of ‘how do doctors go virtual’ because we’re all getting burned out and really suffering from that lack of balance.

Dr. Isaac teaches so many ways to enter the virtual space and make an impact, create residual lines of revenue and income. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems”

Dr. Olivia Joseph

"Our goal was to leverage virtual to break $100K/week in our brick and mortar practice. In March we broke $100K/week (TWICE!) by leveraging virtual. We’re projecting residual income to be mid-high 6-figures in our first year alone!"

Dr. Stefan Alexandroni

Board Certified Orthodontist 

“Dr. Isaac helped me to just get into the right mindset to understand what's important, what's not important, and how to really create my vision. I'm so grateful”

Dr. Greg Barnes

Founder of  Greenway Health Center

“One month after implementing what Dr. Jones taught me, I added an extra $30K in my practice.”

Your Exclusive Bonuses

Invest today you also get these exclusive high-value bonuses to take your practice beyond the 7-figure mark.

The Freedom Coaching Program is the world’s most comprehensive roadmap to building a thriving practice.

And because this is the first time we’ve shared this with the world, we want to make sure you have everything you need to create massive success for years to come.

That’s why when you invest today you also get these exclusive high-value bonuses to take your practice and online brand beyond the 7-figure mark.

Virtual Health Care Course (VHCC)
$15,000 Value

True success in a virtual practice comes when you get life-changing results for your patients. 

This 6-month course to become a virtual health care consultant goes even deeper into advanced methodologies for creating transformational results in a virtual practice.

This program originally cost $15,000 and is now off the market. The only way to get this training is to enroll in the Virtual Practice Accelerator.

This is the original underground playbook to get massive results for your clients in a virtual practice

Plus These Exclusive Bonuses:

Bonus Masterclass: 

Mastering Marketing for Doctors
$5,000 Value

The biggest difference between a $100k and a $1MM practice is marketing. 

If you do not understand marketing, your growth, impact, and income will suffer.

Fortunately you do NOT need to become an online marketer to make it happen. There are only a few key variables and strategies you need to understand. 

This masterclass will save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by cutting through the fluff to help you see exactly what matters most, how to measure it, and who to hire to do it for you.

Bonus Masterclass: 

Scaling Your Practice: Growing Beyond 7-Figures 
$8,000 Value

Once your practice is firing on all cylinders, you will have a strong, profitable platform to grow into the next level of impact, influence, and income. 

This bonus module on scaling a practice is a deep dive into the core strategies of the world’s largest online health brands with practical action steps to help you get to your next level faster.

Bonus Virtual Practice Legal Package:

Protect Your Liability With Unparalleled Legal Advice and Resources $30,000 Value

Move forward with confidence and minimize legal risk. 

These detailed breakdowns of the unique legal options and considerations for doctors working online will show you exactly how to protect your practice and minimize liability. 

PLUS you’ll get our rock-solid contracts and complete set of legal documents specifically for virtual practices*. 

These cover everything from working with patients and HIPPA agreements to contracting vendors and hiring staff.

We paid a team of lawyers $30,000 to create these legal documents and contracts.

But you don’t just get the documents….

You ALSO get our custom form generator to take out all the hassle of document editing. 

All you need to do is enter a little information and the form generator customizes everything for the specific individual. 

And you get it all for free just by joining the Freedom Coaching Program today. 
*Please consult your own legal counsel about laws and regulations in your state before implementing these documents. 

Bonus Educational Resources:

Get the Best Content and Recordings of ALL Past Heath Expert Alliance Events
$4,782 Value

Get our best curated content of the last six years from the world’s largest virtual health practice conference. You will not find this content anywhere else. 

Attendees paid $797 to be in the audience at each event, and you will get the exact same content free when you join today.

Take your success to the next level:

Fast-Track Your Results With VPA FREEDOM Coaching

Everything you’ve read so far is a part of our core VPA program. 

However, some doctors prefer to go faster. 

Some doctors want Dr. Isaac’s personal guidance on their business and programs. 

They want real-time clinical advice for how to get results in a virtual environment. They want more networking options and a deeper sense of community.

If this is you, you’re going to love VPA Freedom.

VPA Freedom is a high-touch premium expansion of our core VPA program with 1+1 coaching. 

It is specifically designed to accelerate the growth of your practice and get you a massive return on your investment. 

Here’s what it looks like:
Group Coaching with Dr. Isaac Jones and His Team of Virtual Practice Experts.

On-demand, laser-focused group sessions with Dr. Isaac or his business experts with high-touch, dynamic coaching to help you break through any obstacle at any stage of your journey. 

Dr. Isaac’s and his experts direct feedback and coaching are the fastest way to create breakthrough success quickly. 

  • Expert advice to keep you out of inertia and taking precise action on your immediate problems and challenges
  • ​​Instant access to Dr. Isaacs hard-won insights from 10+ years of coaching virtual practices from zero to the highest levels of influence, and success
  • ​Get custom solutions for your unique situations, no matter where you are stuck. 

Dr. Bart Precourt

Founder of the Health Edge
“I was thinking no way, I can’t do this virtual practice. I'm gonna have to learn how to do all kinds of computer stuff or things I'm just not really good at… and in just six months I generated a quarter million dollars and in the first year I did over $800k!”

7 Exclusive FREEDOM Bonuses

Invest today you also get these exclusive high-value bonuses to take your practice beyond the 7-figure mark.

Bonus #1
Bi-Weekly Clinical Training
Plus Weekly Support From Our Private Coaching Group
Of everything offered in Freedom Coaching, many members say THIS is the single most valuable part. 

Why? Because good practices thrive on RESULTS. Transformational results drive referrals. They are the engine of your practice. This training is desperately needed in the practice industry. 
  • Gain an undeniable advantage over your competition with superior practices that get huge results for your clients
  • Get the training you need to expand beyond your niche and make an even greater impact (AND income)
  • ​Special training on how to integrate genetic-testing, advanced supplementation cycling, cellular detoxification, and the next generation of bio-monitors into your practice.
  • Direct coaching from Dr. Isaac and guest experts on the clinical challenges in your practice
  • ​Stay on the cutting edge of health-optimization with in-depth training from the world’s leading experts in health optimization.
Bonus #2
Marketing QuickStart Service
Get your practice infrastructure done INSTANTLY.
With this high-value, done-for-you service, our team of tech wizards will do ALL of the tech work for you. 

Skip the headaches. No aggravating conversations with tech support. 

Let us do the heavy lifting for you and grant yourself freedom from the tech frustration.
  • We setup the key tech platforms you need to get your practice off the ground
  • ​Complete integration from email to payment to fulfillment and follow-up…. PLUS testing and troubleshooting to make sure your practice runs effortlessly
  • ​Get a fully functional, ready-to-go, proven marketing and webinar system so you can focus on growing your business and making an impact
Bonus #3
Get CLEAR: Dr. Isaac’s Personal Signature Program
Building your signature program is one of the most important parts of your virtual practice. 

It is the backbone of your virtual practice. 

With CLEAR, you get Dr. Isaac’s entire personal Signature Program. All the checklists, questionnaires, recommendations, protocols, strategic upsells. 

This one program has generated millions of dollars.
  • Create jaw dropping health results with Isaac’s exact medical playbook from the cutting edge of the Aligned Health health model…no extra research, stress, or confusion required. 
  • Adapt and adjust to your niche, modify to suit your unique perspective... or even put it to use in your practice!
  • ​Save hundreds of hours of guesswork and tens of thousands of dollars in mistakes instead of building your Signature Program from scratch
Bonus #4

Exclusive Community Private Masterminding and Networking

In Freedom, you go from information consumption to active engagement. You’ll be part of an elite tribe of doctors who help and support each other every step of the way — such a powerful group! 

We create special opportunities to meet and network within our community, so you can build up your own inner circle of aligned doctors building their practices and changing lives.

  • Leverage the power of connection and joint ventures to create new opportunities for your practice.
  • Build supportive life-long relationships with the most generous like-minded healthcare professionals on the planet –– you are NOT alone in Freedom.
  • ​Stay inspired and motivated to keep going, keep growing, and push yourself to new levels
Bonus #5

Exclusive Vendor Partnerships

The wrong agency can wreak havoc on your business. As a VPA Freedom Coaching Member you can save both time and money with our vetted strategic partners. These are hand-picked vendors who understand both the practice industry and our Freedom methodology. 

You’ll get access to high level professional marketers, video editors, cold traffic experts, designers, and more for a fraction of what you would usually pay. 
Bonus #6

2 VIP Tickets to Disrupt

The healthcare industry is changing rapidly. To make sure you stay on top of the latest developments, you also get 2 VIP tickets to the premier event in practice. 

You will be able to connect directly to doctors and leaders on the forefront of the digital healthcare revolution and position yourself for massive success in the years to come. 
Bonus #7

Weekly Marketing Mastermind

Just because something worked at one time to market your business, does not mean that it will continue to work. To make sure you stay on top of the latest trends in marketing, our in house marketing department will be masterminding weekly with our members to breakthrough any hang up, confusion, or frustration around how to market your practice.

Total Value of both Freedom Practice Coaching Levels

Here is a breakdown of everything you get in these transformational packages

You have 2 options:

Go at Your Own Speed

with weekly group calls.

Virtual Practice Accelerator Course...$20,000
Virtual Health Care Certification...$15,000
Legal Contracts and Documentation...$30,000
Mastering Marketing for Doctors...$5,000
Scaling Your Virtual Practice...$8,000
HEA Recordings... $4,782
Weekly Momentum Calls with Dr. Isaac...$5,000
Total Value $89,782

Break Records

with help from Dr. Jones and his team.

Virtual Practice Accelerator Course...$20,000
Virtual Health Care Certification...$15,000
Legal Contracts and Documentation...$30,000
Mastering Marketing for Doctors...$5,000
Scaling Your Virtual Practice...$8,000
HEA Recordings... $4,782
Monthly 1:1 Call with your coach...$10,000
1:1 Personalized Onboarding...$1,000
Marketing Quickstart Service...$10,000
Weekly Marketing Mastermind.....$20,000
Dr. Isaac’s Signature CLEAR Program...$15,000
2 Clinical Trainings per month...$20,000
2 VIP Tickets to HEA Live...$2,000
Exclusive Vendor Partnerships...Priceless
Total Value $185,782
  • Virtual Practice Accelerator Course 
  • ​Virtual Health Care Course
  • ​Legal Contracts and Documentation 
  • ​Mastering Marketing for Doctors
  • ​Scaling Your Virtual Practice 
  • ​HEA Recordings
  • ​Weekly Momentum Calls with coaches.
  • ​Networking within our Community Boards + Private Slack Community.







  • Virtual Practice Accelerator Course 
  • ​Virtual Health Care Course
  • ​Legal Contracts and Documentation 
  • ​Mastering Marketing for Doctors
  • ​Scaling Your Virtual Practice 
  • ​HEA Recordings
  • ​Weekly Momentum Calls with coaches.
  • ​Sales Conversion Mastermind
  • Monthly 1+1 Call with your Coach
  • ​Networking within our Community Boards + Private Slack Community.
  • Weekly Group Coaching with Dr. Jones and His Team of Business Experts
  • ​Marketing Quickstart Service
  • ​Weekly Marketing Mastermind
  • ​Dr. Isaac’s Signature CLEAR Program
  • ​Bi-Weekly Clinical Training
  • ​2 VIP Tickets to HEA Live
  • ​Exclusive Vendor Partnerships
















Total Value $87,782
Total Value $185,782
For 12 Months of Group Support
Now Offering Easy Pay! Break VPA into 4-6 Payments
For 12 Months of 1+1 Support
Now Offering Easy Pay! Break Freedom into 4-6 Payments

HEA Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that if you put this system to work, it will work for you. In fact, HEA guarantees that if you don’t increase your revenue by more than your membership fee in your first year, we’ll give you your money back.* 

The numbers above are actual prices people have paid in the past for access to this same information. 

Before today, the only other way to get access to this material was to join my private mastermind that cost $100k.

You won't even pay half of that. 

I personally paid 3X the full price just to create the legal documents I’m giving you for free!

All because I want to change our healthcare paradigm and practices are THE most powerful way to do that. 

This is the first time this offer is available to EVERY doctor and health care professional.

Today, you can get everything, the whole program, the exact step-by-step process, the legal documents, the scripts, the presentations, the monetization strategies, the tech solutions…

EVERYTHING I’ve learned in 10+ years of building thriving virtual practices…

PLUS the accountability and coaching to get you to $100k in less than one year...

AND all $64,782 in bonuses...

For just $16,997

This is an unbelievable deal at a pivotal moment in healthcare. 

All you have to do is click the button below, choose your payment option and you can get started TODAY.

The Future Of Healthcare is Here Right Now

Will you Evolve and Succeed? Or Will You Be Left Behind? 

We are at a turning point in history, and you are at a crossroads. 

Logically, you have three options. 

Option #1: Do Nothing
You can ignore me and everything I’ve shown you. You can go back to the hamster wheel of a brick and mortar practice. 

You can gamble your entire future that things will be “fine.” That your job is secure. That we’ll just “go back to normal” when COVID-19 “goes away.” 

Option #2: Do it alone
You can try to build a virtual practice all by yourself. 

You can scour through Google to find reliable information about running a virtual practice. You can take cheaper courses about marketing designed by online marketers. 

You can waste $100k on agencies and programs that don’t understand what it takes to make a virtual practice truly profitable.

If you have 100s of hours to burn on making mistakes, learning through costly trial and error, going fruitless rabbit holes without the support of others who have already created exactly what you want to create…

...then doing it yourself is a good option. 

Option #3: Get proven, reliable, professional guidance
You can let me help you. 

Let me walk you through a proven and repeatable step-by-step process designed specifically for doctors. 

Let me show exactly what you need to do to grow a 6- or 7- figure virtual practice. 

Let me show you how to avoid costly mistakes and create a fully-functioning virtual practice business faster and with less stress than you could ever imagine.

Final Thoughts: My Life in a Virtual Practice

For me, the best thing about a virtual practice is the lifestyle freedom it affords you

For me, the best thing about a virtual practice is the lifestyle freedom it affords you. 

If you want to wake up early…. Wake up early.

If you want to sleep in, sleep in.

I’m not interested in hiding behind some image of success so here’s what a typical day looks like for me: 

After I wake up (usually without an alarm) I make myself a gourmet cup of coffee. 

Then I make my kids breakfast and spend some time with them as they get ready for the day.

I walk to the home office I built for myself in our back yard. 

(total commute time: 25 seconds)

Then I have consults and team meetings for a few hours. This is the bulk of my “business” time. 

Around noon I break for lunch. Sometimes a friend will spontaneously call me to go to a restaurant and we catch up over a meal. 

The freedom to say YES has a tremendous impact on my relationships.

Then I come back and work a couple more hours on whatever needs to be done. 

Sometimes I stop at 3:30pm and go the gym. Sometimes I’ll take off early to spend time with my family or go mountain biking. 

The point is that it’s my choice. 

I have time for spirituality. I can take a month off if I want just by rearranging things.

I’m not a slave to my schedule. I’m in control of my life and how I spend my time. 

This could be you...

You CAN do this!

I’ve created a dream business for myself. I’ve already helped hundreds of doctors do the same. 

And I want to do the same for you. 

All you have to do is say yes by clicking the button below:

Evan Tardy

President of DrAxe.com

"Dr. Isaac Jones always challenges me to go to a higher level in my thinking or in my leadership skills. He is always encouraging and pushing me onto that next level. He's such a kind, genuine, amazing human. And I can't say enough good things about him."

Dr Peter Kan

"I was 'missing out’ on life because of how constraining my brick and mortar practice. Dr. Jones helped save me so much money and avoid dozens of costly failures along the way. I now have a 7 figure automated virtual practice and online brand. It’s created the freedom for me to travel the world with my family.” 

Dr. Tom Nixon

“If you want to help more people and have a life and Dr. Isaac teaches the principles AND the action steps to create a successful virtual practice. 

I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone out there who's ready to take their health, their life, their engagement with their patients to the next level, to ultimately bring hope and health and wholeness to a world that needs it.

Daniel Stickler MD

Founder of Apeiron Center of Human Potential

“Going Virtual has personally quadrupled my business revenue in just the first year. You’ll learn exactly how to build your online brand and virtual practice and then scale it. Whether you are an MD, ND, DC, or other professional, GET THIS PROGRAM. It will take your business to the next level.

Dr. Leona Allan

"I had a vision of creating a lifestyle where I be a better doctor, to get better results with my clients AND can be a great mother provided for my children. Virtual lets me have the best of both worlds." 
5 Steps to FREEDOM in Your Virtual Practice
  • Mindset
We have invested over $100K on personal leadership coaching in Ontological leadership or self leadership. The essence is "who do you need to be in order to create powerfully around you?" We integrate Ontological Leadership training into much of what we do as it makes building a profitable and sustainable business much more effortless and easy. 
  • Atrraction
We train on answering the question "how can you consistently attract your ideal clients?" We want you to be a magnet for your ideal dream clients that are waiting for you to get your message out, right now. 
  • Commitment
We train on answering the question "how can I get people to exchange money for their brighter futures?" You will understand your true value which is the key to confidently demand premium prices for your services. 
  • Experience
We train on answering the question "How can we give the best customer experiences that drive retention and referrals?" You will learn how to deliver a first class transformation to help improve the lives of the people you serve so that referrals become the driving revenue in your business.
  • Scale
We train on answering the question "How can I grow and scale my income, impact and freedom?" Imagine making a bigger impact and more income from anywhere in the world from a place of rest and relaxation.
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Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make an impact in the world while growing your business. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. After all, it takes hard work to succeed in any type of business. Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources that you are willing to put into succeeding. We want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings—all numbers are illustrative only. In fact, the average person who purchases this and other programs never puts the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore achieves little to no results. Our more detailed earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for this program and website can be accessed via the links above.