Virtual Practice Assessment
Answer These Questions So Our Coaches Can Understand Where Your At and Where You Want to Go.

Creating more time, freedom, and impact on the world for you is the main goal of our company. These questions are designed to help you get a better look at where you're at now, and most importantly where you want to go. Everyone's path is a little different, we're excited to hear about yours. 

There are 5 major sections, answer the questions honestly and with as much detail as you can.

BONUS: Just for applying today, you'll also get instant access to:
  • Dr. Jones Bonus Training #1: How to Attract More Patients without Being Pushy, Slimy or Sale-sy
  • ​Dr. Jones Bonus Training #2: 6 Functional Medicine Marketing Tips for Practice Owners
  • ​Dr. Jones Bonus Training #3: The Best Natural Health Practice Lead Generation Strategies for 2021
  • ​PLUS a FREE Virtual Practice Strategy Session with our wildly talented coaches.