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$84,782 of World Class Training for a special launch discount of 82.3%!
Get exclusive access to a proven step-by-step system to create a thriving virtual practice. Time & location freedom, exponential income, and massive impact are just a click away.

Your Enrollment Includes: 
  • 11 Modules with step-by-step instructions to create a thriving virtual practice
  • ​Advanced mindset training for healthcare professionals
  • ​24/7 online support via email, messaging, and chat
  • ​Weekly momentum calls with our $100K coaches.
  • ​Accountability with our $100k coaches to keep you on track
  • ​Access to our off-the-market Virtual Health Care Certification Program
  • ​Bonus Masterclass: Mastering Marketing For Doctors
  • ​Bonus Masterclass: Scaling Your Virtual Practice Beyond 7-Figures
  • ​Bonus Virtual Practice Legal Package
  • Bonus: ​Health Expert Alliance Event Recording
  • ​Bonus: Weekly Marketing Mastermind

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