Check Out these Client Stories...

Dr. David Jockers

Founder of

“The biggest thing I got from Dr. Isaac is a bigger mindset. Now I understand that mindset is really the fuel to help grow my mission and my ambitions and help me really truly believe that I can do big things. Because of that mindset, I have a multi-7 figure residual income online business.”

Dr. Olivia Joseph

"Our goal was to leverage virtual to break $100K/week in our brick and mortar practice. In March we broke $100K/week (TWICE!) by leveraging virtual. We’re projecting residual income to be mid-high 6-figures in our first year alone!"

Dr. Chris Zano

Founder of Chiro Thought Leaders

“Being a chiropractor, my hands and adjustments ARE my service. I used to think ‘how am I going to impact the world?’ But now in a virtual practice, I'm able to take my business beyond my county, beyond my state, beyond my country even and be able to have more of an impact.”

Dr. Pete Sulack

Founder of Stress RX Calm

“Dr. Isaac has the systems and procedures to help us doctors get on the road to serving more people and making a greater impact on the nation at large.”

Dr. Rudy Mueller

Founder of Precision Health Family Functional Medicine
“You're basically getting the secret sauce recipe to succeed online.  I would recommend this to any type of practitioner that's interested in expanding their business or getting into the online space”

Dr. Greg Barnes

Founder of  Greenway Health Center

“One month after implementing what Dr. Jones taught me, I added an extra $30K in my practice.”

Naveen Jain

Entrepreneur and Founder of Viome

“Dr. Jones is pioneering the future of healthcare”

Dr. Rodger Murphee

Founder of Your Fibro Doctor

“Ive been in practice for 29 years for the last 15 years ive been practicing virtual. Working with Isaac Jones has been a real treat because he opened the eyes to some of the missing pieces of the puzzles that I was trying to bring together in my virtual practice.”

Dr Peter Kan

"I was 'missing out’ on life because of how constraining my brick and mortar practice. Dr. Jones helped save me so much money and avoid dozens of costly failures along the way. I now have a 7 figure automated virtual practice and online brand. It’s created the freedom for me to travel the world with my family.” 

Dr. Melissa Peterson

CEO and founder of Functional Medicine Agency and Inspired Health Institute

“There's this explosion of ‘how do doctors go virtual’ because we’re all getting burned out and really suffering from that lack of balance.

Dr. Isaac teaches so many ways to enter the virtual space and make an impact, create residual lines of revenue and income. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems”

Dr. Tom Nixon

“If you want to help more people and have a life and Dr. Isaac teaches the principles AND the action steps to create a successful virtual practice. 

I would absolutely recommend this program to anyone out there who's ready to take their health, their life, their engagement with their patients to the next level, to ultimately bring hope and health and wholeness to a world that needs it.

Daniel Stickler MD

Founder of Apeiron Center of Human Potential

“Going Virtual has personally quadrupled my business revenue in just the first year. You’ll learn exactly how to build your online brand and virtual practice and then scale it. Whether you are an MD, ND, DC, or other professional, GET THIS PROGRAM. It will take your business to the next level.

Evan Tardy

President of

"Dr. Isaac Jones always challenges me to go to a higher level in my thinking or in my leadership skills. He is always encouraging and pushing me onto that next level. He's such a kind, genuine, amazing human. And I can't say enough good things about him."

Dr. Stefan Alexandroni

Board Certified Orthodontist 

“Dr. Isaac helped me to just get into the right mindset to understand what's important, what's not important, and how to really create my vision. I'm so grateful”

Dr. Leona Allan

"I had a vision of creating a lifestyle where I be a better doctor, to get better results with my clients AND can be a great mother provided for my children. Virtual lets me have the best of both worlds."